SLOVALEN® - Flame retarded

Brief description Technical data sheet
223000 SLOVALEN PC 88 FRD 1 PP flame retarded LdownloadEN
257000 SLOVALEN PH 96 FRD 1 PP flame retarded LdownloadEN
258000 SLOVALEN EH 96 FRD 2 PE flame retarded LdownloadEN
261000 SLOVALEN PH 76 T 20 FRD 5 PP reinforced with mineral filler, flame retarded LdownloadEN
282000 SLOVALEN PH 66 GF 30 FRO 4 PP reinforced with glass fiber, flame retarded LdownloadEN
299000 SLOVALEN PH 66 GF 20 FRO 4 PP reinforced with glass fiber, flame retarded LdownloadEN
1243000 SLOVALEN PH 56 T 20 FRD 1 PP reinforced with mineral filler, flame retarded LdownloadEN
1271000 SLOVALEN PC 78 FRT 5 PP flame retarded LdownloadEN
1298000 SLOVALEN PC 26 T 20 FRD 1 PP reinforced with mineral filler, flame retarded LdownloadEN

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